FinOps Landscape
The FinOps Foundation landscape (png, pdf) is dynamically generated below. It is modeled after the CNCF landscape and based on the same open source code. Please open a pull request to correct any issues. Greyed logos are not open source. Last Updated: 2021-05-10 13:45:36ZYou are viewing 60 cards with a total market cap of $5.3T and funding of $6.02B.
Apptio (FOCP)
ApptioFunding: $261M
Apptio (FOSP)
ApptioFunding: $261M
Apptio (FOTP)
ApptioFunding: $261M
Apptio (member)
ApptioFunding: $261M
Cloudeasier (FOSP)
CloudeasierCloudeasier (FOTP)
CloudeasierCloudeasier (member)
CloudeasierCloudhealth (FOCP)
VMwareMCap: $68.67B
Cloudhealth (FOTP)
VMwareMCap: $68.67B
Cloudhealth (member)
VMwareMCap: $68.67B
Cloudsoft (FOSP)
Cloudsoft CorporationFunding: $2.33M
Cloudsoft (member)
Cloudsoft CorporationFunding: $2.33M
Cloudwize (FOTP)
CloudWizeCloudwize (member)
CloudWizeCloudZero (member)
CloudZeroFunding: $15.63M
Contino (FOSP)
ContinoFunding: $68.15M
Contino (FOTP)
ContinoFunding: $68.15M
Contino (member)
ContinoFunding: $68.15M
Densify (FOCP)
DensifyFunding: $38.23M
Densify (member)
DensifyFunding: $38.23M
Google Cloud (member)
Google Cloud PlatformMCap: $1.56T
HCL (member)
HCL TechnologiesFunding: $220M
kruezwerker (FOSP)
kreuzwerker GmbHkruezwerker (member)
kreuzwerker GmbHKubecost (FOCP)
KubecostKubecost (member)
KubecostNeos (FOSP)
NeosNeos (member)
NeosOpsani (FOCP)
OpsaniFunding: $20.26M
Opsani (member)
OpsaniFunding: $20.26M
Pileus (FOCP)
PileusPileus (member)
PileusProsperOps (FOCP)
ProsperOpsProsperOps (member)
ProsperOpsPyraCloud (SoftwareONE)(FOCP)
SoftwareONEMCap: $3.78B
SoftwareONE (FOSP)
SoftwareONEMCap: $3.78B
SoftwareONE (member)
SoftwareONEMCap: $3.78B
Timspirit (FOSP)
TimspiritTimspirit (member)
TimspiritVirtasant (FOSP)
VirtasantVirtasant (member)
VirtasantAirbnb (adopter)
AirbnbFunding: $5.4B
Amazon Web Services (adopter)
Amazon Web ServicesMCap: $1.16T
Atlassian (adopter)
AtlassianMCap: $36.37B
Datadog (adopter)
DatadogMCap: $23.15B
Fairfax Media (adopter)
Fairfax MediaIntuit (adopter)
IntuitMCap: $64.9B
KLM (adopter)
KLM Royal Dutch AirlinesLyft (adopter)
LyftMCap: $8.97B
Microsoft (adopter)
MicrosoftMCap: $1.89T
Nationwide Insurance (adopter)
Nationwide InsuranceNBC News Digital (adopter)
NBCUniversalMCap: $162.59B
New Relic (adopter)
New RelicMCap: $2.82B
PayPal (adopter)
PayPalMCap: $126.13B
Pinterest (adopter)
PinterestMCap: $9.82B
Shopify (adopter)
ShopifyMCap: $68.28B
Starbucks (adopter)
StarbucksMCap: $85.35B
The New York Times (adopter)
The New York TimesMCap: $4.97B
Twitter (adopter)
TwitterMCap: $20.2B
YelpMCap: $1.37B
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For more information, please see theĀ license info.